Prioritizing your time on social media

By Anelia Victor

Now that you are set with all the initial social media accounts, you are swamped with keeping up with everything. There are many tools out here that can help you organize. We are going to list two free tools we use here.

1) Hootsuite: Let’s start with one of the most popular social media management online system out here. Hootsuite allows you to post, schedule, monitor from all major accounts. To use Hootsuite, you can link your accounts and then add them onto your stream. Your stream is the various tabs for your social. You have the ability to choose which stream is best for you. The streams include schedule (post you have scheduled), mentions, your post and private messages. For a free account you can only link three social media accounts, if you want more you will have splash that cash.

2) Buffer: Buffer is Hootsuite cousin. Buffer allows you to link your Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Pinterest. With the free account you are allowed three linked accounts. With Buffer, you can schedule post, track your post performance and they offer pre-written post if you are stuck on content to post.

Use any other applications to schedule your post? Let us know, we would love to try them out!

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